
White Male Need Not Apply. 

Rather than celebrate the themes of the St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, it appears that over-the-top members of the progressive left tried, once again, to portray a white male as anti-(___) – fill in the blank. 

Earlier this week supporters of Michelle Wu and her friends at the Boston Globe attempted to turn a Saint Patrick’s joke by Sen. Nick Collins about Wu being from suburban Illinois into an anti-Asian assault. 

What was interesting is the response from Globe readers to their Tuesday story “St. Patrick’s Day joke about Michelle Wu makes some squirm”. Based on the comments underneath the article, the fact that the Globe made this a story, apparently had their readers squirming.

Just another page in the cancel culture handbook, we presume.

Comments from the Globe readership:

“This is not a story. An innocent joke paired with Ben Affleck. There is no racism here nor was any intended.”

“Give me a break!! It was a joke! He said nothing wrong! She’s not from Boston and neither is Affleck!”