Editorial – May Officer Michael Chesna Rest in Peace

The residents of Weymouth, MA are grieving this week and people everywhere, including the people of South Boston, are grieving along with them. Officer Michael Chesna, a six-year veteran of the Weymouth police force was killed in the line of duty. By all accounts, Officer Chesna was a great cop, who dedicated his career to helping others and like other members of law enforcement, took his oath to ‘Protect and Serve’ seriously – it was a code that he lived by.

Here in Boston and in many other places around the nation, there has become a shortage of police. Their numbers are below what’s sought, because there are fewer young recruits seeking police work as their goal. And when you look at the disrespect that is being directed towards them and the violence that disrespect is increasingly resulting in, is it any wonder?

From officials, like the mayors of New York City, Chicago and Baltimore and so many other municipalities across the country, who so often side with the criminal element over the members of their own police forces and refuse to give those officers the backing they need, that attitude finds its way down to those who spend their lives flaunting laws and preying on innocent citizens.  Increasing reports of officers being assaulted and so often killed while performing their duty have become far too common.

The question many are asking is what would happen to society if there were NO police? The answer is simple – civilized society, especially in large cities, would collapse into anarchy and violence. It’s time that police were given the respect they deserve for the difficult and dangerous job they do.

May Officer Michael Chesna rest in peace and always be remembered for the hero he was. And may the poisonous anti-police atmosphere that has been allowed to flourish in certain locations, and actually encouraged by some in high places, finally come to an end.