The Information Center

Medal of Honor Recipients/Campus Free Speech and More

This week’s column will touch on several issues in the news. The first topic goes out to our readers who like writing letters, and there are many of you, which is great. And what better reason to write a letter than to thank one or more of our country’s Congressional Medal of Honor recipients?

For the 3rd year in a row, motivational speaker Janine Strange, who has teamed up with retired Command Sgt. Major Gary Lee Litrel,; a Medal of Honor recipient himself, is organizing a letter writing campaign to coincide with the annual Medal of Honor Recipient Appreciation Day, which is March 25th. The goal is to write personal letters thanking the 72 living Medal of Honor recipients in America for their service to our country and for their exceptional heroism on behalf of their fellow service members. The medal recipients didn’t do what they did to receive praise.  They did so out of a sense of duty and loyalty. But it would mean quite a bit to them to hear from their fellow Americans, who appreciate their heroism. To find out more about more on how to send these letters, log on to This will give you all the information needed to get your letter to these true American heroes.

One of the most quoted statements during the last 2 weeks was by Michael Cohen, when he was testifying to Congress – again, about the alleged Russia collusion scandal. When he said, “I have lied, but I’m not a liar”, viewers had a good laugh. For those who still might not be familiar with Cohen, he had already been convicted of lying to Congress and is set to begin serving a prison term for it. And yet, this is the witness the ‘libs’ in Congress brought in to testify in the fading hopes of pinning something – anything – on President Trump that could be labelled illegal. Yes, Michael Cohen was the best witness they could come up with. Can you spell ‘desperation’?

Speaking of President Trump, he says he will issue an executive order to college campuses that would require these schools to ensure that free speech is allowed. Who would have thought that in America, a President of the United State would need to make this a requirement? If colleges refuse or ignore this order, they will be denied federal research dollars that many of these institutions have come to depend on.

Prompting this move of course is what’s been happening on many campuses. Most Americans are coming to realize that many colleges have become left wing indoctrination centers, dominated by radical professors and administrators and students, who follow their lead like mindless obedient sheep. They ban speakers they don’t agree with, harass and penalize patriotic conservative thinking students for their beliefs. Campuses have even been the scenes of violence against anyone who dares express a different view.

Some schools try to excuse what they do by setting up ‘Free Speech Zones’, where opposing views are allowed during certain hours of the day. Ah, no. Setting aside Free Speech Zones doesn’t cut it. This is the United States of America and our Constitution guarantees that all of America is a free speech zone, not some roped off 8×10 plot of land in some obscure location on the school grounds. Needless to say, the patriotic students have had enough of this, they now have the President’s backing and these colleges better smarten up or start running bake sales, if they want to be able to afford to stay open.

The Democrat campaign to try to further infringe on the Second Amendment by pushing more unfair gun control laws is hitting a stone wall in those states where these attempts are being made. County sheriffs in several states are drawing a line in the sand and are refusing to enforce these new laws passed by liberal legislatures. Gun owners for their part are refusing to obey these new restrictions and tens of thousands of lawn signs are popping up all over those states where it’s happening. The signs read ‘We Will Not Comply”. The sheriffs support them and have said “They Will Not Enforce”. And these Sheriffs have made it perfectly clear that they swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Second Amendment is clearly a part of the Constitution, and therefore, they have instructed their personnel not to infringe on those rights. This is a revolution of sorts that these anti-gun politicians never expected and have no idea what to do about it.

And finally, there is an effort afoot by some California Snowflakes to remove the name of late actor and American Icon John Wayne from the airport named in his memory and honor. It seems they are offended by something he said some 35 years ago. Well, even in California, the backlash against this move has been swift and fierce which shows that even after all these years, you just can’t mess with ‘The Duke’.